Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Clay Aiken, UNICEF and Malaria Prevention

Clay Aiken and UNICEF team up once again to remind of us the importance of treated mosquito netting could be the difference between life and death in Malaria infected areas.

For instance, did you know ~

A child dies of malaria every 30 seconds in Africa. At least one million infants and children under five in sub-Saharan Africa die each year from the mosquito-borne disease. While it is one of the greatest threats to human and economic welfare on earth, malaria is both preventable and treatable if addressed properly and quickly.

For more information, click on the video below featuring UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Clay Aiken discussing the benefit of this treated netting and how important it is in saving the lives of children on a global basis:

Please help Clay and UNICEF save a life today. Click on the links below for more information or to offer a donation. Every gift, no matter how small, helps.

Learn More about Malaria Prevention

Donate Now

You've heard Clay's words, now listen to the one-of-a-kind voice of Clay Aiken. An amazing song off his CD On My Way Here. Pictures/videos of Somalia and inspired by Clay's latest UNICEF trip.


Chitter said...

Clay is relentless to save children.
I hope we all save a child from malaria -
It seems like such a simple thing to do to save a child - buy a net


Anonymous said...

Praying that many are moved to give in response to Clay Aiken's appeal!


Traveler on Life's Path said...

Thank you for calling attention to this very simple and effective way to save so many lives! Clay Aiken is very sincere in his role as a UNICEF ambassador.

I am choosing to donate to this cause.

BichonLover said...

Thank you for this moving montage, SueReu. Clay Aiken's heart is so generous. He is a true inspiration to all of us who have to give to those who have not.

Anonymous said...

Clay Aiken & UNICEF made a great appeal to those of us who care about the lives of children.

Anonymous said...

Clay Aiken is truly a blessing to children all over the world & Unicef for the attention he is bringing to these causes. Love the video.

PaulaBear said...

This is a wonderful video and message from Clay Aiken. UNICEF was very wise in choosing Clay as an ambassador. He is tireless in his advocacy for children.

Dianne Barbee said...


Great news that malaria deaths can be eradicated. Clay's UNICEF video is the perfect tool for spreading the news.

Your blog is helping to get out the word, too.
