Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clay Aiken, Miami and That Blue Shirt

So, I'm out on my morning Internet constitutional, visiting all my favorite Clay Aiken sites. My first stop is, of course, The Clay Aiken News Network. I open the page and BAM!!!! There's Clay in THAT blue shirt - you know the one, worn on the Independent Tour in Miami. It was the first, last and only time that Clay wore that ensemble.

I wonder why? Clay looked mighty fine in that blue shirt, edged in a little green (to match those eyes). Hummmmmm, it just may be a Question FOR Clay......

Here's a little bit more of Clay Aiken, THAT blue shirt and When Doves Cry (featuring several clips, including the Green shirt and that OTHER blue shirt)..


musicfan said...

Sue.........I loved the blue shirt outfit that he wore in Miami!!

Thanks for the great blog!!

katy said...

He looks good in both blue and green and that was a greaet outfit Clay wore that night in Miami.

Ashes said...

Clay Aiken looks good no matter what he's wearing--but I have to admit this is my favourite of the tour. Not that I really noticed until the umteenth time of watching the clack, LOL. I was too busy concentrating on his face and voice :)

ImGranny said...

Great blog! IMO Clay Aiken could wear a burlap sack and look good. I really do love the blue shirt outfit tho!

annagrace said...


PaulaBear said...

I loved that green/blue shirt! I never realized it was the only time he'd worn it. Thanks, sue, for the up to the minute Clay Aiken facts!!

lulu said...

Great shirt and great tour by Clay Aiken.

kallie said...

Sue, your blog is great. Keep up the good work promoting Clay Aiken.

clayam said...

Clay Aiken just looks good in any color, he is so photogenic.
Wonder why my comment didn't go through lets try again.

Chillie said...

I love that first picture of Clay Aiken! You come up with some of the best pics and videos!

CLM said...

Great blog Sue. I love Clay Aiken in any color shirt. LOL

fgs said...

I liked that shirt, too, although I didn't see it in person. Clay Aiken can wear any color, but I wouldn't mind if he would ditch the plaids!