But what is perfection? Wikipedia defines it as:
"Perfection is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness."Now let's face it, no one is perfect. And those who think they're perfect are tedious, boring and pompous. I don't want perfection in anyone - not my family, friends and or the object of my journey - Clay Aiken.
I enjoy Clay just the way he is. I enjoy watching him grow - change, right before our eyes. I enjoy every step, every twist, every turn. I enjoy not knowing what's next. I enjoy that he can throw me for a loop - that he is unpredictable.
I love it when he gets angry that the press will not focus on important matters and instead seem to focus on his feet (while they are verra verra nice feet, they're feet nonetheless).
I love that he is outspoken, even when it comes back and bites him on the butt. I love that he embraces what he does best, the music he excels at, the dork inside of him. I love that he can laugh at himself.
Is Clay Aiken perfect? Absolutely, unequivocally "no" and that's what makes him so very special.
Perfection Takes Time Honey - yep, it sure does. And I'm enjoying every second of the unending journey to perfection
*screech* Okay, to the Anonymous who posted this comment - thank you. You have summed it up FAR BETTER than I ever could:
"What! You mean he's not perfect??! :-0 ??? (Just kidding). He takes the good, ignores the bad, tries to live his life with the goal of leaving a positive impact in some way. Has his own foundation to help children who find themselves on the outside looking in as they grow... I'd be proud of him if he was my family member. Heck, I'm just proud of him anyway! Who needs to be "cool" when years from now, a child who was alone and excluded remembers being included and feeling a sense of self they couldn't have gotten before grows up?"
Who needs perfect? I love Clay Aiken just the way he is.
What! You mean he's not perfect??! :-0 ??? (Just kidding). He takes the good, ignores the bad, tries to live his life with the goal of leaving a positive impact in some way. Has his own foundation to help children who find themselves on the outside looking in as they grow... I'd be proud of him if he was my family member. Heck, I'm just proud of him anyway! Who needs to be "cool" when years from now, a child who was alone and excluded remembers being included and feeling a sense of self they couldn't have gotten before grows up?
Well, if you can't be perfect, being Clay Aiken isn't a bad alternative!
The journey to perfection for Clay Aiken is filled with laughs, good friends, some tears, and lots of good singing. I'm here for the entire journey. It's been a great 5 years and I'm looking forward to the next 20 years with Clay.
Clay Aiken doesn't need to be perfect in order to be fascinating, multi-talented, handsome, and big hearted. I love him just the way he is, imperfections and all!
"Who needs to be "cool" when years from now, a child who was alone and excluded remembers being included and feeling a sense of self..."
So very well said! Clay Aiken has changed many children's lives for the better.
No one is perfect. We can only strive to be the best we can be and I believe that Clay does that in his life.
Great blog and I love the comment you highlighted, too.
I guess we might say that Clay Aiken is 'perfectly imperfect' - a pretty darn decent human being with a bit of something extra.
being imperfect is perfect in my opinion.
I'll take Clay anyway I can get him however he presents himself.
Perfect schmerfect . Clay Aiken is good enough for me just the way he is .
Loved the complilation . Lots of good memories .
I just love Clay Aiken!
I've never thought Clay Aiken was perfect, although his singing comes really really close! But the man is fascinating and uber talented.
I think Clay Aiken is perfectly HOT! :>~
Great blog! I don't expect Clay Aiken, or anyone else, to be perfect. It is impossibility. Besides, if he were perfect, there would be no growth and change, and watching Clay grow and change over the years has been endlessly fascinating.
Well, Clay Aiken may not be perfect, but he sure comes as close to it as anyone I can think of.
Clay Aiken is pretty darn close to perfect to me!!
Clay Aiken is imperfectly perfect & love him that way.
Thank you for the effort that you are putting into this great new blog! Clay Aiken is lucky to have a wonderful fan such as you.
What is perfect? I was always told it was boring..and our Clay Aiken is anything but that! I love him :)
Great blog!!
People need to stop boxing Clay Aiken in!
Clay Aiken is on his own personal journey. I choose to take it with him without constantly second guessing him.
I love the imperfections of Clay Aiken. They make him real, and that makes him fun!
I love this blog. Clay Aiken is so talented and wonderful, and your blog celebrates that.
I'll take Clay Aiken, imperfections and all, over any other singer/entertainer/celebrity out there any day.
He's the real deal in more ways than one and I am proud to support him in all of his endeavors.
Clay Aiken may or may not be perfect, but he chooses to live his life the way he wants to, that is good enough for me.
I fell in love with him just the way he is and he can stay that way - I love him period.
He is a good man that strives to do right, make his world a better place and provide some joy along the way. How can anyone ask for more?
Humans are imperfect, but we, and certainly Clay Aiken, strives for perfection. Much of his music is.
I love Clay Aiken
Clay Aiken is just about perfect enough for me. I love his very human qualities as well as his out of the world voice and talent!
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