I have a real dilemma with Clay Aiken's newest masterpiece, On My Way Here. It's actually a dilemma that is sorely missing in today's music environment.
My dilemma? I don't have any clue which song is my favorite!! Seriously, how do you pick? Each song is so different, so special.
I love the story of On My Way Here - its universal themes can ring true for so many. I love the upbeat feel of Ashes - turn around and see what love's done for me. Everything I Don't Need - raw and sexy (yes, I said sexy). Something About Us - destined to be a classic. Falling - amazing production, amazing vocal performance, perfect for radio. The list goes on and ON!!!
Because I couldn't decide, I spent some time clipping each song, trying to highlight my favorite section (which was, yet again, almost impossible).
Take a listen - can you decide?
Help? Please?
Well, your video has made it even harder to pick a favorite song off this gorgeous album. You did a great job of combining photos and songs. OMWH, the album reflects so perfectly many aspects of the multi-faceted Clay Aiken.
I especially love Something About Us, however because I am a romantic person and Clay sings it so beautifully.
Sorry, Suereu, no help from me. I love them all. It is like trying to pick a favorite child. They all have special qualities. LOL
Love the montage. I bust at laughing at the Jimmy Kimmel part to "Weight of the World" heeee
So sorry I can't help you though. I keep bouncing from one song to the other. I seem to have a different favorite each day depending on my mood. :)
Great blog and I really like your montages. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
My favorite song on the cd is a toss up between Ashes, Falling, and As Long As We're Here. Honestly, my favorite depends on my mood each day. Clay Aiken is a fantastic singer and he did a great job picking the songs on this cd!
I know that my fav of the day changes with my mood of the day. So many fantastic songs, so little time.
Aspiegirl44 wrote:
Love the montage. I bust at laughing at the Jimmy Kimmel part to "Weight of the World" heeee
Oh, I agree. I love that clip where Clay is beating up Kimmel.
I know that my fav of the day changes with my mood of the day. So many fantastic songs, so little time.We need more Clay Aiken.
I'm in the same difficulty. My favorite changes from day to day. I guess that's the sign of good CD full of great material.
My changes day to day as well. Clay Aiken singing ballards, upbeat, inspirational or just mellow - all are equally as great!
Aspiegirl44 wrote:
Love the montage. I bust at laughing at the Jimmy Kimmel part to "Weight of the World" heeee
Oh, I agree. I love that clip where Clay is beating up Kimmel.
August 23, 2008 10:51 AM
(hee hee) that was one of my favorites too.
Sorry from me also, I cannot decide.
I do love As Long As We're Here.
But I love all of the songs as well. There are none that I skip when I am playing them. I always want to finish the entire song before turning off the player whatever the song is.
sorry about the deletes :) trying to figure out if there is any way to post links to pictures
Your dedicated site to all things Clay Aiken is a joy to visit - keep it up!
I can help! My favorite Clay Aiken song on "On My Way Here"(although I love them all) is "Something About Us". It was an absolutely great choice for the Obama Love Story video, and fits Clay and Jaymes beautifully as well. It's PERFECTION!
I do absolutely love that song - it's just breathtaking! The words, the melody and, of course, Clay's amazing vocals.
Okay, that one's my favorite (at least for the next five minutes)
I can't make up my mind either. Wonderful montage of Clay Aiken's songs! I was totally mesmerized by it.
Let's see....my favorite is As Long As We're Here...no wait it's Sacraficial Love....no maybe it's On My Way Here. Oh heck! I'm no help at all....I just love it all!!!!!!!!!! I give up!
My favorite is "As Long As We're Here," but "Ashes," "The Real Me," "Lover All Alone," and "On My Way Here" are close seconds, and every song is very close to those. I love them all!
Definitely either Everything I Don't need or Grace of God!
(Edited above to say) Or.. maybe it's "Sacrificial Love" and "Something about us"
Clay Aiken is the best performer I have ever seen, bar none!
I love this blog! I get a chuckle every time I visit.
My favorite Clay Aiken song from the CD is Where I Draw the Line, but I couldn't pick one that I wouldn't listen to. I love the CD!
Clay Aiken sings "Sacrificial Love" so tenderly and beautifully that it has to be on my list of favorites, too.
I am no help to you. I love every song on OMWH, too. I do love the messages, but the songs themselves are sung so beautifully, I just get lost in the voice of Clay Aiken!
Clay Aiken's songs on On My Way Here are like my children. They are all beautiful and wonderful. I could never choose a favorite--I love them all!!!
I love all of the songs on Clay Aiken's On My Way Here! It would be impossible for me to pick just one favorite.
I can't help,. I have the same dilemma. I love all the songs on this Cd. Clay Aiken does a awesome job!!
What can I say? I love all of them. I must say that my favorites are As Long as we're here, and The Real Me. I DO love all of them.
Great video, love the whole album. Sorry, Clay Aiken made it very hard to pick a favorite this time around.
My favorite is.......
hmmm... EVERY song on Clay's CD is just awesome!
"Everything I Don't Need" has become my favorite of the week.. I play it over and over and over again... Thanks for the montage!
Clay Aiken RAWKS!!
Each day, I have a different favorite. Today it is the Real Me, but yesterday it was ON My Way Here. I guess I can't help!!
The voice is what drew me to Clay Aiken. Whatever he sings is wonderful.
Wonderful montage, SueReu - you did a great job of showing the many faces and facets of Clay Aiken.
He's accomplised a lot, made a difference in so many lives, in the past five years, doing what he always said he wanted to do.
You'll get no help from me in deciding a favorite song from his new CD because I can't choose one either!
Whatever I happen to be listening to at the moment, is my favorite one. And then I have to go back and start all over again!!
This album is a jewel and should be heard on radio.
My favorite initially was Ashes and now it is Sacrificial Love. I wanna marry it.
katy said...
My favorite initially was Ashes and now it is Sacrificial Love. I wanna marry it.
August 23, 2008 5:54
ROFLMAO Katy!!!! I love that song too LOL!!! and now, just because of this post, I may have a favorite
I can't make up my mind either! Every time I listen to this CD I choose a new favorite. This is the best album from Clay Aiken yet! I just wish his songs could be heard on the radio.
Sorry, I can't be of much help. I can't choose a favorite myself. It all depends on my mood and what is going on in my life. OMWH really is a great album all around.
I'm in the same boat, and your video has just complicated the issue. I love all of Clay's songs fron On My Way Here.
Guess I'll have to watch the montage again, LOL!
I guess I won't be much help, either. When it comes to Clay Aiken, it's hard to have only one favorite song per CD! Currently my favorite song from On My Way Here is "Falling," but tomorrow it might be "As Long As We're Here" or "Sacrificial Love." What a wonderful dilemma to have... :)
It is a wonderful dilemma with these Clay Aiken songs, but I'm going to bed with Sacrificial Love. ;-)
My favorite song from Clay Aiken's new CD, On My Way Here is Everything I Don't Need.
I've got the same dilemma, so I just pick a different song every day as my favorite. Today, it's "Falling". Mona Lisa put together a great video for it on youtube. Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdrZFJDDBmE
It's nearly impossible for me to choose my favorite Clay Aiken song. But if I had to, it would be The Real Me. I can never get through the whole CD without going back and replaying that one!
I can't make up my mind either. Every song on Clay Aiken's new CD is great. I play it in my car all the time.
I'm no help. I love all the songs on Clay Aiken's new On My Way Here!
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